For the exhausted nurse who showers off their shift and cries into the water…
For the nurse hidden in the bathroom to grab a few minutes of tranquility so the other patients don’t see the tears of the patient before…
For the nurse who is so tired that it feels impossible to continue…
For the nurse whose back aches, feet ache, head aches…
For the nurse who desperately battles with self-confidence and doesn’t feel worthy of the bedside…
For the nurse who is second-guessing every move…
For the nurse who thinks they know nothing…
For the nurse who feels like a fraud in this profession…
For the nurse who lies awake at night wondering if they did enough…
For the nurse who has lost their compassion…
For the nurse who needs compassion…
For the nurse who wants to run away…
For the nurse who goes home and orders pizza because they failed as a parent and can’t pull it together enough to show up at home, too…
For the nurse who feels alone, even when surrounded by a team:
You are worthy.
You are enough.
You are smart.
You are capable.
You are needed.
For the nurse who feels all-or-some-of-the-above: You are not alone!
-Ashley & Linda
Your On-Call Professors of Nursing #NursingNeedsYou #YouMatter #GetNpowered