Take a deep breath. Take one small step at a time towards your goal. If you are not getting to the necessary work because of delay tactics it’s important to recognize what you are doing and consciously move forward. Our days are filled with these tactics. Every day, we manage multiple demands on the most precious item we possess……our time. What we choose to do with our time is critical as one day it runs out and what we leave behind is how we have impacted the multiple lives we have touched.
How will you spend your precious commodity of time? The answer to this question will determine your future.
You have a dream that you are pursuing. Do not let anyone or anything get in the way of the incredible career ahead of you. Often we find that the “anyone” actually is US!
Fear can play havoc with our ability to be productive. If we are afraid of failing, that fear can stop us from having enough time to delve into a term paper or study for a midterm or prepare sufficiently for an OSCE. Face your fears, acknowledge them, feel them – and then despite these difficult feelings, move forward. Realize your dreams!
We are here to tell you that we know you are capable of success! Regroup, be conscious of the actions you are taking that distract you and reach out for help if you need it. None of us succeeds alone.
All of your sacrifices, all of your late nights, all of your hardships……everything you have done so far has purpose and meaning for the privilege of caring for the vulnerable you will serve.
Go after it!
Ashley & Linda