Thoughts Become Things

Thoughts Become Things

Sit with that phrase for a moment, future Nurse.

Thoughts. Become. Things.

Now, reflect:

What are you thinking? What are you telling yourself?

What have you thought about yourself and your potential throughout Nursing school?

What do you think about yourself and your future career as a Nurse?

What are you thinking and saying to yourself as you study to write your NCLEX, NCLEX-PN, or CPNRE exam?

Thoughts. Become. Things.

When I was in my Undergraduate Degree, I used to pass by the guidance office often, and there was always some inspirational quote messily printed on the whiteboard. One of those quotes stuck with me:

“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford-

Your thoughts have power. Your thoughts become things.

Do you think you CAN?


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